Sunday, September 20, 2009

1,019,000 points. Who needs school?

I checked the headlines on just a second ago and saw a series of 4 headlines that made me smirk inside and almost laugh on the outside, but it wasn't as funny as it was a "hmmm" moment. The first headline said ,"Enforcing bedtimes improves kids' health". I found it encouraging that people are advocating structure and health for children. The next headline was "Students can't name first president". I don't remember when I first heard the story of the little boy george cutting down the apple tree to make his first set of dentures and lying about it to his mother, but I can definitely say it was before high school. Sadly 75% of Oklahoma high school students don't remember President Washington. On a lighter note the next headline read, "Kid scores 1,019,000 on Guitar Hero". It ain't so bad that kids don't know history as long as they can keep up with a virtual Rik Emmett or Kirk Hammett. Just when I thought the world was coming to an end I saw the solution in the 4th headline of the series: "3-D coming soon to home TVs". Have no fear nation. No one will ever forget George Washington once they see him pop out of their television screen, kneeling in prayer at the foot of a fire breathing white stallion. PS we're having a baby in case the 5 people that read this haven't heard.

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