Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our Family Addition

We've known for a while now that we are having a baby boy in early March. It's been an adjustment for Brandon to start calling the baby "him" instead of "it." I am really excited to have this little guy in our home. Brandon is excited because he thinks boy toys are cooler--whatever. We're still working on names; we found this awesome book at DI. It's a Baby Name Survey Book: basically they surveyed a number of people and recorded people's stereotypes about names. Brandon and mine were very complimentary, which explains why we bought it. Anyway, it has affected some of our name options--but it's mainly great for laughs. It's much more helpful than those huge books with 60,000 names in them. There's a point when it gets a little ridiculous. I realized after I checked them out from the library that I just didn't have the stamina to go through all the pages--mind you, since we knew the gender, we only had to go through half the book but I still was not biting. Please let us know if you have any great name ideas (and Avenues #123 is out--no ideas from you guys--you've started something terrible).
On a side note, I'm starting to show a bit. Yeay! Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I can't wait to see what you guys name it! We haven't got a book yet, but we looked at one like that and it was pretty entertaining/interesting. We're excited to see you guys and your little baby bump!
