Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to make a two with your fingers

Happy Birthday Brandon. I had a wonderfun (I mistyped wonderful but realized wonderfun is an accurate description) Birthday thanks to many people including my wife. In the words of Kalai, "Woman, I can dig it." I haven't had a birthday that fun since the time a Tyrannosaurus Rex got stuck in green frosting on the way to the volcano to eat the stegosaurus. Chocolate Chip pancakes, Ice cream cake, a lake that froze our insides just like an ice cream cake and an outdoor concert that also froze our insides. If you think that sounded cold, my sister forgot my birthday. I'll forgive her someday. I made the good news moment in Relief Society this week because we have started that short 2 and a half month period when we are the same age. I have always wanted to do good news time in Elder's Quorum. My first one would be announcing 25 cent ice cream cones at Buy Low every Thursday. The next week I would talk about Percy Jackson and the Olympians defeating the metal bulls on Half-blood Hill. That kind of stuff is way more interesting and interesting good news leads to more spiritual lessons. Go Church!