Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby: Approved

These past couple weeks have been big in the Eller home. Laura was officially terminated this week, I got my first sunburn of the summer, and Seth slept less and spit more than he ever has before. Pretty sweet huh? The nice weather has drawn us away from our big plans to set up a bed for Seth or pack up our winter clothes, but we figured that if we just stacked our winter clothes in the right way, Seth would have a pretty comfortable bed. Other recent feats:
1) Strawberry Freezer Jam - success and a half.
2) Exercise twice in the same week - hello bikini body
3) Seth can now smile socially.
Evidently the first month of Seth's smiles were deemed unsatisfactory in our society. We have tried to stress the importance of having a civilized smile like his 0-12 month old peers and Seth has finally accepted our advice. Evidence is on the internet. Eat this smile police.


  1. Oh, those are socially acceptable smiles. And I like how you snuck in a product placement for your blog's sponsor "Butt Paste"

  2. I like where you took these pictures...

  3. Hey, like I said, he really likes the diaper changing.

  4. Wow that's embarrassing Brandon, forgetting to take your Butt Paste out of the picture.

    Oh Mr. Boudreaux. Your Butt Paste works miracles.

  5. He's so cute! Glad to be connected to your blog. You should post pictures every day :)
